The one and only Monero mining calculator

Monero is special. The emission curve makes sure that each new block have less blockreward. No mining calculator is considering this. If you use them, they lead you to wrong expectations.

This calculator uses the following formula:
Blockreward = (2^64 - 1 - current_supply * 10^12) * 2^-19 * 10^-12
Daily income estimate = (H/s * Blockreward * 720) / NetworkHashrate

Mining is tough business!
I am very sure, that this will help you to calculate more precise, save a lot of money and do the right decision. If this was helpful to you, please consider a small donation.
XMR: 47JUJMoxKkJL2v1iaEx31ngQCQcEGobUpevqtzSzKPTAEAt1Ay7NZrQgU6mnN2mVyWi7yk2ig68KsU8bfXQ45ainEAchp1T
ETH: 0x6a5de78354bf278cedf97bb3f1b8a03b34dd2668

Thanks for all the donations! I will keep improving this tool